
How To Find Someone's Birth Date

You might think that you can just ask someone for their date of birth

One of the most overused white lies in all the world has to be the answer to the question "How old are you". Very few people like you to know exactly what their age is and consequently lying about your age has become one of nfl jersey the only socially acceptable lies there is. So how to find out someone's birth date without getting lied to or embarrassing someone?

You have to be careful and discrete to find someone's date of birth

If you are very young then you may want people to think that you are older to gain respect or even to gain access to places and products that you really shouldn't have. If you are older you probably want people to think that you are younger. This is the curse of vanity which affects most of us unfortunately.

If you think about all the reasons why someone might not want to tell you their true age, how can you ever hope to find out the truth? You can't just go and ask them "What is your birth date?". Well you can but you can't rely on getting a truthful answer and you might end up embarrassing or feeling guilty for asking.

You can try asking people

Asking friends and relatives might give you the answer you are looking for but unless you are asking a parent then you can't be sure that they even know the correct age and birthday themselves. Even with parents you nfl throwback jerseys can never be sure because they might have been sworn to secrecy and don't want to upset anyone. Other people you ask might think that they know the answer but have themselves been told white lies. Unless you can sneak a peek at the persons passport or birth certificate then you can never be certain.

How to find someone's birth date without anyone knowing

If you were determined enough to research what information there is available on someone in a publicly accessible form you might be surprised at how much you can find out about someone. There are birth records, death records, marriage records, criminal records, arrest records and a whole lot more. But how do you access it? All this information about people might be freely available but it's contained in databases all over the place. You can't hope to cover it all yourself.

It's the Internet that comes to your rescue here. The incredible online cyber revolution has given you some very interesting possibilities and one of nfl jerseys them is the ability to search for what you need in all the available public records all from the same web site. Not only is it easy but it's very fast too.

There are public records web sites that have spent years gathering all the publicly accessible information that they can find and organizing it into one database ready for you to do your searches. They add information daily to the billions of records already collected which means that it's your best bet for finding out just about anything about almost anyone.

