
Aion Game Play Tips - Weapons

In this installment, we're going to talk about weapons.

Weapons are tricky at the higher levels. When you first begin, you are given a starter weapon for football jersey whatever character you have chosen to play. You then use it for a few levels before you are given a choice of what weapon to choose next.This is where things get tricky. Yes, the weapon you choose WILL make a BIG difference.

When you reach level 10, you complete a quest which gives you the choice of 3 weapons. The weapons, however, are based on your starter class and not the class that you have just become. It is CRTICAL to know which weapon is right for your new class because the game does a lousy job of explaining it.Let's start with the Warrior.You get a sword at level 1. As you level, you get access to a shield. If you don't have luck in finding one, buy one.

Once you hit level 10, you become either a Templar or a Gladiator. If a Templar, choose either the sword or the great sword. If a cheap nfl jerseys Gladiator, take the polearm. Trust me on this.Let's move on to the ScoutScout's start with a dagger. As you get access to a sword...use it. The Scout is the most vulnerable at lower levels because let's face it, with a dagger, you really have to get up close to do damage.Scouts can become Assassins or Rangers. Unfortunately, there are no new weapons options for Assassins, so keep this in mind when choosing. Rangers are a complete shift in action as they can now attack with ranged weapons. Take the bow option from the quest reward. This is your best move.I'm going to skip over nfl jerseys Priests and Mages for this section because they rely mostly on spells.

